Upcoming Album
When Jesus taught in Galilee’s Synagogues, streets, and countrysides, He “taught as one who had authority.”
He had the authority to heal the sick, restore sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. Jesus had the authority to cleanse lepers and restore the lame. He had the authority to give life to the dead!
Demons cowered, begging for mercy, because they recognized Jesus’ authority, even calling Him “The Holy One of God”.
Taken straight from the pages of Mark and Luke, AUTHORITY, the first Single on my upcoming album entitled THE KINGDOM, is almost finished! The song chronicles the early days of Jesus’ earthly ministry and attempts to capture the emotional response of the people, as if we were right there with them.
“Could this Jesus really be the Messiah?”
Stay tuned to my Newsletter for updates and click below if you would like to help fund this independent project.
Give a gift of $25 or more for EARLY ACCESS to Authority and upcoming songs on The Kingdom!
Aaron and Producer Sam Hart in Studio on the first day of recording Authority.
If you prefer to mail your gift, you may send it to:
Shust Music
Attn: Golden Financial
101 Creekside Crossing #1700-215
Brentwood, TN 37027