From the time my brother and I were little boys, our Dad has been known to introduce us to his friends and colleagues by putting his hand on a shoulder and saying,“This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.” While we may have rolled our eyes and groaned inside, the truth of it sank in. Our father was proud of us. Our father loved us. Those words of affirmation had incredible impact in our lives. There has never been a doubt in our minds where we stood with Dad.
Twice, the Bible records God’s voice thundering from the heavens with words of affirmation toward His only Son. When Jesus emerges from the waters of the Jordan river in baptism, a Voice from heaven sounded, “This is My Son, whom I love, and I am very well pleased with Him.” (My Dad’s quote.) Again on top of a mountain with Peter, James and John, the Voice said the same thing, adding, “Listen to Him!” The disciples were terrified and fell to the ground. Jesus touched them and told them not to be afraid. They were not in danger. They were loved.
In turn, when Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed for all of His followers, He prayed that the world would know the Father loves them just as much as He loves His Son! Don’t miss that: the Father loves us just as much as He loves His Son! Granted, the Triune God (Father, Son and Spirit) is the greatest of all mysteries for the human mind to tackle. But one thing is certain: they are One. There is no division, disagreement, hatred or discord. And we know that God is Love. God doesn’t just HAVE love, or FEEL love. He IS love! He DEFINES it!
When you’re surrounded by uncertainty, you may not be able to say your earthly father loves you, but you can know, without a doubt, that you are loved by the Father, loved by the Son and loved by His Spirit that lives within you. This is the rock on which we stand.